Winter may be mostly over now, but volunteers with the Canadian Red Cross sharpened their disaster response skills in the event of an ice storm during a mock demonstration Saturday.

The fake scenario involved mock evacuees from the fictional RM of McPherson.

Red Cross volunteers provided the relocated people with a place to sleep and food to eat after being forced out of their homes by a recent ice storm.

In September, the Red Cross had to open a small-scale shelter for less than 10 residents of a Dauphin hotel that was destroyed by fire. Saturday’s demonstration, held at Immanuel Christian School, simulated a much larger disaster, where many more people were suddenly left with nowhere to go.

The Red Cross is in need of more volunteers throughout Manitoba, including in Winnipeg, Brandon and the northern part of the province.

Anyone interested in joining the Red Cross disaster response team in Manitoba can go to or call 204-982-7330.