CAA Manitoba is hosting an event Sunday geared towards helping seniors make adjustments to be more safe and comfortable behind the wheel.

“It is important to older adults to maintain their independence, and driving is a big part of that,” says Liz Kulyk, Corporate Manager of Communications for CAA Manitoba. “Cars are not one-size-fits-all. There is a lot you can do to adapt a vehicle to compensate for physical and cognitive changes as you age.”

The event is called CarFit and follows on the heels of one held in May.

The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists is also a participant in the event which helps seniors adjust their mirrors and seating positions in the driver’s seat.

“CarFit provides older adults with the tools to understand and apply the safety features of their car,” said occupational therapist Mitchell Jeffrey.

The event is happening between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. at 501 St Anne’s Road.