The Assiniboine Park Zoo has a new star attraction. Hudson's little brother Humphrey has arrived and is now on display.

And while he's certainly a lot muddier than his big brother Hudson, he seems to have the same ability to charm the crowds at the Assiniboine Park Zoo.

"I just absolutely love him. I think he's adorable," said zoo visitor Samantha Pettigrew.

Humphrey, who was raised at Toronto’s zoo, is technically still in quarantine in Winnipeg but zookeepers have already introduced him to the zoo's sibling cubs - Blizzard and Star.

"We've moved very quickly to put Humphrey in with the bears to learn proper bear behaviour,” said Janice Martin, curator at Assiniboine Park Zoo.

It's been a learning experience for zoo staff as well.

In the two years since Hudson arrived at the Assiniboine Park Zoo, staff have welcomed six more bears and they said their understanding of polar bear behaviour has grown by leaps and bounds as well.

"When we began, we knew what we were doing, but now we have so much more knowledge - so much more knowledge about bear behaviour,” said Martin.

They've learned how bears comfort themselves when nervous.

"They suckle, which sounds interesting. (Humphrey) tends to suckle on the air. Hudson found a log or a stick to suckle on,” said Martin.

From Storm, they learned how wild bears make other bears feel comfortable. They show their belly, similar to dogs.

This and other subtle behaviours were learned by direct observation.

And as time and the number of bears in their care has grown, Martin said zoo staff have grown far more confident handling the arrival and integration of their expanding bear community.

"We're way ahead of where we were when we began,” said Martin.