CAA Manitoba said the first bout of bitter cold temperatures may have caught some Winnipeggers off guard.

The auto association reported a 40 per cent increase in call volumes Wednesday morning with temperatures plummeting to a low of -29 overnight.

CAA spokesperson Angele Young said most calls were for boosts because of a dead battery and lockouts.

Young said some motorists left their cars running with keys in the ignition and then couldn't get back in.

CAA recommends motorists plug in their cars when the temperature dips below -18.

Young said a remote car starter will help you prevent lockouts and thefts while allowing you to keep your car engine running and warm.

Environment Canada said Winnipeg did not break a record Wednesday.

The record low for Nov. 26 was set back in 1887 at -32.2. The low this year came close, but fell short, hitting -29.

A record, however, was broken in Berens River where the temperature dropped to -34. The previous low hit -30.3 in 1995.

At least one school cancelled outdoor recess.

St. Charles Catholic School Principal Dr. Anne Penny said she keeps the kids indoors anytime the temperature dips below -25 with the wind chill.