A Winnipeg police officer may lose fingers from frostbite received during a firearms training exercise Friday.

“Our understanding is that a member, during training, received severe frostbite to his hands,” said Moe Sabourin, president of the Winnipeg Police Association.

“It’s not a mild case of frostbite,” he added. “There is a concern possibility of losing digits.”

Extreme cold warnings covered much of Manitoba on Friday. According to Environment Canada, the wind chill made it feel as cold as -39 C.

Sabourin said the union was notified because there is an obligation to notify the health and safety committee co-chairs with the Police Winnipeg Service, who reported it to the Winnipeg Police Association.

Sabourin said it’s not clear how long the officer was outside, or if there was an option to carry out the training exercise indoors. He now wants to make sure no officer is injured this way again.

“We are always concerned when members are on duty, but in particular, because it’s during a training exercise,” he said.

“For injuries to occur in training is troubling, but we don’t know the exact cause, other than the severe weather.”

Sabourin said he doesn’t remember any past cases of severe frostbite to members and hopes to learn more about the incident Tuesday.

The Winnipeg Police Service told CTV News Sunday, it has no information on the incident and will not be commenting at this time.