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Animal welfare advocates speak out against Winnipeg backyard chicken coop pilot


Animal welfare advocates pleaded with committee members Monday to reject a two-year pilot project allowing urban chicken keeping in Winnipeg.

A report to the city’s protection and community services committee says the trial would be open to 20 sites, with a maximum of four hens and no roosters per location. Chicken coops would have to be insulated and properties would require a secure fenced yard. Participants in the pilot would be subject to unannounced inspections and a permit fee.

Patricia Sawicki buys eggs from a farmer and sells them at cost to people in her community.

“The price I pay is the price I sell them for just to get people to eat free-range eggs,” said Sawicki.

The Transcona-area resident would like to raise chickens of her own in her backyard to produce eggs.

“I’d like to know where my food comes from, what my animals are being fed,” said Sawicki.

As part of proposed changes to the city’s pet bylaws, Winnipeg’s animal services agency is recommending it set up a two-year pilot project allowing urban chicken keeping starting in the spring of 2023.

“I’ve been waiting a long time for this to happen and so has my family,” said Sawicki.

Animal welfare advocates pleaded with committee members Monday to reject the pilot.

Brittany Semeniuk from the Winnipeg Humane Society told councillors the avian flu is a current concern, already discovered in backyard flocks in Canada. She also said once hens can no longer lay eggs, there are worries the chickens will be discarded or slaughtered.

“This initiative leaves far too much room for error for big welfare red flags to become apparent," said Semeniuk.

Animal Justice staff lawyer Kaitlyn Mitchell believes too many city resources would be required to police the program.

“Responding to the inevitable noise, odour, pest and animal welfare complaints that will inevitably come with it,” said Mitchell.

Sawicki believes the proposed regulations and the cost of the necessary coops and feed to pull this off, will ensure chickens would be cared for and managed properly.

“It’s not cheap, people aren’t going to be just investing all this money to try to fail,” said Sawicki.

City Council has the final say on the pet bylaw. Top Stories

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