Vince Weiguang Li was bruised, bandaged, and heavily shackled when he made his short appearance before a judge in Portage la Prairie Friday.

Li, from Edmonton, Alta., is accused of stabbing and beheading 22-year-old Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus Wednesday night. He is charged with second degree murder.

The 40-year-old walked into the Portage la Prairie, Man., courtroom with his head down and kept quiet during the entire proceedings.

The judge was told Li doesn't have a lawyer even though he'd been given several opportunities to contact one.

The judge asked Li if he wanted a lawyer -- Li did not respond.

He only nodded when the judge asked if he was exercising his right not to speak.

The Crown has asked for a psychiatric assessment but the judge said he wanted Li to talk to a lawyer first.

Crown Attorney Larry Hodgson described the court appearance to CTV Newsnet from Portage la Praire, Man.

Hodgson said that Li seemed to understand what the judge was saying to him.

"He nodded yes and no when the judge asked him some questions," the lawyer said. "He responded with a nod at the appropriate time."

Hodgson said as far as he knew, Li has not contacted anyone since the time of his arrest.

The matter was adjourned to Aug. 5, when the Crown will once again ask for a psychiatric assessment.

In the meantime Manitoba Legal Aid is trying to find Li a lawyer.