WINNIPEG -- Drag the Red, a group of volunteers that searches the Red River for signs of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, is postponed until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to physically distance.

Bernadette Smith, NDP MLA for Point Douglas, said in a Facebook post the group doesn’t want to “put anyone at risk” and encourages people to “self isolate or social distance when you can self isolate.”

She said this season they are focusing on dragging the river and they’re not doing any ground searches unless there is a specific request. In the event of a request, Drag the Red will call on the Bear Clan and Mama Bear Clan to help out.

“I encourage any and all of our ground search volunteers who don’t already volunteer with those two community to go and volunteer with them,” the Facebook post said, thanking volunteers for their time and commitment.

Smith said they will keep people updated on when they can safely resume operations.