New statistics rank a region of Manitoba that includes Steinbach and Falcon Lake as the highest for vehicle-deer collisions.

Manitoba Public Insurance said there are about 1,600 such collisions a year in the Eastman region, which is in the southeast corner of Manitoba. The rankings are based on statistics collected by MPI from 2011 to 2015.

“Last year, 300 Manitobans were injured in wildlife-related collisions. Over the last 10 years, eight people in Manitoba have been killed in crashes caused by an animal on a road,” said Ward Keith, vice-president, Business Development & Communications and chief product officer, Manitoba Public Insurance.

“Motorists are encouraged to exercise extra care and caution during October and November ─ the two worst months for vehicle-deer collisions,” he said.

Meanwhile, Winnipeg ranks fourth with about 610 collisions annually. The top five are as follows:

1) Eastman Region - 1,540 collisions each year

2) Westman - 1,400 collisions each year

3) Interlake - 1,060 collisions each year

4) City of Winnipeg - 610 collisions each year

5) Pembina Valley - 600 collisions each year

MPI said Manitobans are involved in about 11,000 vehicle-wildlife collisions annually.