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Nearly $6M investment to improve Trans-Canada Highway in Manitoba

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The Manitoba government is investing nearly $6 million to upgrade the Trans-Canada Highway and improve efficiency on this interprovincial and international trade route.

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk announced the funding on Monday, saying the money will go to pavement and signal upgrades on a 2.2 kilometre stretch of the highway, including the eastbound and westbound lanes of this twinned road in Brandon.

“Projects like this will accommodate increasing traffic and promote development in the area, as well as support free-flow conditions on the Trans-Canada Highway,” Piwniuk said in a news release.

“These investments are critical for economic recovery and growth, which remain at the centre of our plan for a stronger, more prosperous Manitoba.”

As part of the investment, the section of the Trans-Canada Highway between the two junctions of Provincial Trunk Highway 10, as well as 300 metres of roadway in either direction, will be resurfaced. Superpave asphalt mix, which minimizes cracks and ruts, will be used on the project.

The province noted that the highway will be milled to remove deteriorated pavement and then 10 centimetres of Superpave will be added.

The funding will also go to upgrading traffic detection equipment at both direction.

Brandon Mayor Jeff Fawcett said the city is thrilled by announcement.

“The City of Brandon is thrilled to see the investment that the province is making in the important upgrades for this prominent section of the Trans-Canada Highway between First and 18th streets in Brandon,” he said.

“Our city and region are growing and improvements such as these will ensure safe passage for all motorists from near and far.”

The contract to pave the Trans-Canada Highway has been awarded to Zenith Paving. The concrete work has already begun, with the entire project expected to by completed by summer 2023. Top Stories

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