Steinbach, it's worth the trip, or so the car advertisement goes, but it seems the Hells Angels have bought into the theory too.

RCMP say lately some Hells Angels members have been stopping by the city.

Mounties say they're not hiding the fact either and flashing their colours for all to see.

"They keep pretty low key, you can tell who's who by the tattoos. The way they're cutting their hair," said concerned citizen Barry Nast.

Nast says the city has changed over the last year.

The local businessman sees more drugs, shoplifters and vandalism. His own home has been hit more times than he can count.

"Most people in Steinbach stick their head under the carpet and say it's not happening here," said Nast.

Police believe the Hells Angels are trying to make waves in the city's drug trade.

Since April officers have busted 18 people selling cocaine and LSD.

Major arrests like that take a toll on police resources and RCMP say they've been asking the city for three more officers.

That request has been repeated for the past three years.

"These guys you can just see the fatigue in their eyes. They're working double shifts, it's not because they need the money, it's because they care," adds Nast.

The city has 11 officers, nine patrolling the streets. Steinbach's population is 13-thousand which calculated mean less than one officer per thousand people.

"In every other city in the province the ratio is closer to one for every five hundred people so certainly when you look at the population statistics we are under-policed," said Steinbach councillor Michael Zwaagstra.

Not acceptable says Zwaagstra.

"When you're under-policed you create a foot hold for crime of all different sorts," adds Zwaagstra.

That's why Nast has started a petition demanding more officers. He's already collected hundreds of signatures.

Many of those names are people fed up with crime and a biker gang trying to mark new turf.

With a report from CTV's Stacey Ashley