Weather officials said tornado warnings were temporarily in effect for a number of RMs as storms moved through the province Monday.

Around 3 p.m., weather officials said tornado warnings were in effect for a number of areas including RM of Stanley, RM of Rhineland, RM of Montcalm, RM of Roland, the RM of Thompson, the RM of Victoria Beach, RM of St. Clements, RM of Alexander and Lac du Bonnet.

Within a couple of hours, the warnings had ended for those areas, said officials. 

Severe thunderstorm watches and warnings had also been previously issued for much of southern and central Manitoba Monday afternoon, including Winnipeg, Morden and Winkler. A number of areas were hit with hail as the storms moved through the province.

- more information on areas under weather warnings and watches is available on CTV Winnipeg's weather page