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Teen boy's threat prompts hold and secure at Steinbach schools


Two Steinbach schools initiated hold and secure protocols Thursday afternoon due to a threat made by a 14-year-old boy that caused RCMP to become concerned.

In a letter to parents and caregivers Thursday, the school division said RCMP requested Stonybrook Middle School and Steinbach Regional Secondary School go into hold and secure mode shortly before 3 p.m.

The youth ended up turning himself in to RCMP.

According to the school division’s website, RCMP assisted with the dismissal of SRSS early start bus students around 3:15 p.m. Students planning to walk home were kept at school and the division directed all other Steinbach schools to delay dismissal. At approximately 3:50 p.m., RCMP gave the “all clear” and all students were allowed to leave.

The letter said the school division attempts to update parents and caregivers on urgent school-wide incidents through email and voicemail using its mass communication system. It also encourages parents and caregivers to monitor its website and Twitter account for up-to-date information during an incident or urgent situation.

According to the letter, hold and secure protocols are “used when it is necessary to secure a school because an emergency is occurring outside the school.” It said during a hold and secure, exterior doors are locked and monitored and classes may continue as normal.

The division added the safety of students and staff is its top priority and thanked parents and caregivers for their cooperation as well as Steinbach RCMP.

RCMP continue to investigate this incident. Top Stories

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