Officials offered media a look inside the Canadian Museum for Human Rights on Thursday.

The last piece of glass was installed on a structure called The Tower of Hope.

More than 1,600 pieces of glass are included in the structure.

“You know, we’ve got a long way to go before opening but you need to just reenergize and say, ‘Hey – that tower is already going to be a symbol of a better world,’” said Gail Asper, national campaign chair.

Now that the final piece of glass is in place in the structure, crews will focus their attention on the inside of the museum and the exhibits it will hold.

While the exhibits have not yet been built, some are already causing some controversy.

“Well, you know the nature of human rights, you know the topic itself invites controversy but we understand that and what's important for us and what we will do is this is Canada’s museum. We will tell Canada’s story in here,” said Stuart Murray, CEO of the museum.

Workers have also been piecing together scaffolding on what’s called The Cloud, which is meant to represent the wings of a dove.

The total cost for the facility has reached $351 million, which is well over budget but museum officials said that is the final dollar figure.

The museum is expected to open sometime in 2014.