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'Verbal reprimand' for Winnipeg Police Board chair


Winnipeg’s Police Board Chair is getting a slap on the wrist for a code of ethics breach.

A report to the police board says Councillor Markus Chambers is getting a “verbal reprimand” following a complaint.

“Of the consequences that would come out of this, this is deemed the lowest in terms of sanction.” Said Chambers

The board determined Chambers violated the Manitoba Police Commission code of ethics rule that states he can't speak on behalf of the board unless he is authorized by the board to do so.

Chambers says the matter relates to former member Kyle Mason, who city council agreed to replace on the board last month, following allegations Mason broke code of ethics rules.

Chambers says when he learned of the allegations against Mason he confided with Mayor Scott Gillingham about the matter, who is also a member of the board.

“In doing so I guess other board members felt it was a breach of the process,” said Chambers. “So it’s more administrative.”

In May, Mason told CTV News he decided to resign from the board after he received a ticket last winter for not renewing the insurance on his vehicle.

A separate report on this week’s police board agenda says the board determined in April Mason was in breach of seven ethics stipulations, and recommended to city council his membership be revoked.

According to the report, the code of ethics rules pertaining to Mason’s matter are as follows:


-Board members shall keep confidential any information disclosed or discussed at a meeting of the board, or part of a meeting of the board, that was closed to the public.

-Board members shall uphold the letter and spirit of the Code of Ethical Conduct and shall discharge their duties in a manner that will inspire public confidence in the abilities and integrity of the board.

-Board members shall refrain from acting unlawfully and/or from engaging in conduct that would discredit or compromise the integrity of the board or the police service.

-Board members shall discharge their duties in a manner that respects the dignity of individuals and in accordance with The Human Rights Code (Manitoba) and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

-Board members shall not use their office to advance their interests or the interests of any person or organization with whom or with which they are associated

-Board members must adhere to the Conflict of Interest Policy.

-Board members must adhere to the Policy and Procedure manual developed for Police Boards by the Manitoba Police Commission.


Kyle Mason declined an interview request but told CTV News he has not read the reports and doesn’t know how things were categorized. He also said he has always acted honestly and ethically, and has dedicated his life to his community.

The next public police board meeting is set for Friday, June 7. Top Stories

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