When it's all said and done, the new ramp and underpass at Bishop Grandin Boulevard near Waverley Street is supposed to move traffic more quickly and easily through growing southwest neighbourhoods in Winnipeg.
Driver Dennis Altstadt likes the new $70 million construction.
"I’m just going to drive over it the first time. It looks impressive," he said.
While it may look impressive, it's not leaving the best impression with some drivers.
One driver complained that it took her 30 minutes to get through the area.
People who live and work around the area say the amount of traffic they've noticed is the busiest they’ve seen it since this area's been developed.
Part of the confusion for some drivers is coming from the closed lanes and placement of the new signs.
The city says all of the signs are up now telling drivers where they can and cannot go.
By October, the traffic flows will be changing again when Kenaston Boulevard opens to the south Perimeter.
The city said what drivers are seeing now is an interim situation.
The city also says construction at the site is expected to be complete with all lanes open to traffic by the end of October, though some landscaping work will still needs to be done next spring or early summer.