Via Natural Medicine

Via Natural Medicine
Via Natural

We continue to serve Winnipeg families' health and wellness needs. We may remain physically closed, we are assisting patients virtually. This means that both initial and follow up appointments will continue to take place through either video or phone consultation for the foreseeable future. Patients report that these types of appointments not only are convenient to serve them from the comfort of their homes, but this mode of communication can offer the continuity of care that is integral to the medicine we offer. Appointment costs will continue to be covered by applicable private insurance benefits. Medicines and supplements offered through the office will continue to be available by phone or email order. Once purchased, items will be available for curb-side pick-up outside the clinic or delivery arrangements can be made through the front desk. As a small business, we thank you for your continued patronage and we look forward to our continued work together. We are here to help.


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