It would have been unthinkable at this time last year for a group of kids to still be out on the ice rinks playing hockey. But at a Charleswood skating rink this morning, that’s just what was happening.
Roblin Park Community Centre invited kids to come down for a game of shinny to celebrate the long skating season. The game started at 9:00 a.m.
Marcy Beaucage has been making the ice on the skating rinks at Roblin Park Community Centre for 25 years. He said this is the latest he’s ever kept flooding the rinks.
“The season’s going so long, we can’t do any summer work, can’t do any summer sports,” he said. “The weather’s great, so let’s play some hockey.”
The normal high for this time of year is supposed to be plus 10 degrees, but Environment Canada is predicting Saturday's high will be just 3 degrees.
The last record for the longest skating season at Roblin Park Community Centre was set in 2007, when the ice was flooded up until April 10.