Modern hospitals are busy places, packed with people and equipment.

Misericordia Health Centre is no different. It has one section on Sherbrook that's a real ghost town.

"It is aging infrastructure," said Rosie Jacuzzi, president of the Misericordia Health Centre. "It no longer meets code."

It is no longer being used, as the hallways are quiet and at the top of a narrow staircase is an abandoned greenhouse, where long dead plants sit forgotten on a table.

"It certainly doesn't meet the purpose of our programs and services we deliver today," Jacuzzi said.

That is because this entire section was built over a century ago by the Misericordia nuns.

If you look around the health centre, you can still find several other original features, including a pool – which has been drained and is not being used any more.

However, that doesn't mean that it's empty. Longtime staff members have all heard the tales of a boy's ghost that haunts this area.

"It seemed as though his spirit or something was seen by a few different people over the years," Hilda Persad said.

She said she hasn’t seen the ghost boy near the pool herself, although she says she does walk a little faster when she passes the morgue.

But it’s going to be around until Misericordia receives the $18 million it estimates it will need to redevelop this historic part of the health centre.