They may not be old enough to vote, but inner city children and youth are getting involved in the upcoming provincial election.

Winnipeg’s Art City has been converted into a kids-only polling station, complete with banners, posters and ballot boxes. 

Art City volunteer Pearson Singbeil Montgomery says kids are interested in the political process.

“The questions asked by what are very young youth here today were often very mature, so youth really have a lot bigger understanding of the issues that affect us all than we already think they might.”

The polling station is part of Art City’s week-long workshop called “Kids Can Vote,” which gives kids the chance to engage in politics and the democratic process. Party leaders and Wolesley candidates have been invited to discuss relevant issues. 

A mock election will be held on Friday, the last day of the workshop. 

Kids will vote for their choice of MLA for Wolesley, premier and other categories chosen during the week.