An agreement has been reached during National Volunteer Week that will see the Bear Clan Patrol has signed on to collaborate with the volunteer-driven Canadian Red Cross.
The Red Cross will provide training to Bear Clan volunteers in a variety of areas from disaster response to first aid. In turn the Bear Clan will continue to assist the Red Cross in times of need, providing support in small and large scale disasters, from wildfire evacuations to house fires.
“Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Canadian Red Cross. We wouldn’t be able to support Manitobans in need without our dedicated volunteers selflessly giving up thousands of hours of their time,” said Shawn Feeley, vice-president of the Manitoba and Nunavut division of the Red Cross in a statement. “Working with the Bear Clan will strengthen the volunteer support we can provide in responding to disasters,” said Feeley.
In September 2017 the Bear Clan Patrol was vital in assistance to the Canadian Red Cross when 7,000 residents of Northern Manitoba First Nation communities were displaced due to wildfires. The volunteer group helped with set-up and operations during the evacuations and placement in Winnipeg.
READ MORE: Red Cross evacuating 3,700 people due to forest fires
“Our incredible team of volunteers has already had a positive experience supporting the Canadian Red Cross and we look forward to more opportunities to work collaboratively,” said James Favel of the Bear Clan.
Leaders with both organizations signed the agreement in Winnipeg.