Orange ginger vinaigrette

White balsamic vinegar                           1/2 cup
Orange juice                                               ½ cup
Canola oil                                                   2 cups
Fresh grated ginger                                  ¼ cup
Mustard, dry                                                2 tsp
Black pepper, ground                              To taste
Sugar                                                          To taste
Salt                                                              To taste

Mix all ingredients. Taste. Adjust seasoning.

Other Instructions:
Raspberry Coulis; Puree raspberries and force through a strainer.

Grilled Asparagus Salad

Asparagus, peeled                                12 each
Oil                                                              As needed
Oranges, peeled cubed                        2 each
Fennel seed                                             1 tsp
Greens                                                      2 cups
Orange ginger vinaigrette                   As needed
Pancetta, sliced thin                             8 each
Chevre                                                      ¼ cup

Place the oranges and fennel seed in a bowl and place in a warm spot to wake up the fennel seeds. Grill the asparagus and pancetta. The pancetta will fare up, because it is mostly fat. MMM. Be very careful. The asparagus really does not need to grill for too long, you still want a little crunch. Toss the asparagus with the oranges, greens and dressing. Plate and top with grilled pancetta and chevre.