On Wednesday, the province cut funding to a number of health-care projects, including a $300 million expansion to CancerCare Manitoba.
The project was originally announce by former Premier Greg Selinger in January 2016 and supposed to help thousands of cancer patients in the province.
"We have to make choices to ensure that healthcare is sustainable today, it's sustainable five years from and it is sustainable 10 years from now," Health Minister Kelvin Goertzen said.
Goertzen announced the cancellation of six capital health projects, blaming the NDP for overspending and making promises it could not afford.
The cuts include the following projects:
- The Lac Du Bonnet personal care home
- Thompson Northern Consultation Clinic
- St. Vital Primary Care Access Clinic
- St. Boniface Blood Bank
- The Pas Primary Care Clinic
- A new CancerCare Manitoba facility
“This not a happy day for me as minister, because there isn't a project that comes to this office that isn't a good project," Goertzen added.
NDP health critic Matt Wiebe said the province is leaving Manitobans at risk.
"These are important projects that frankly the communities that they affect are counting on, and are critical investments in our future of health care in this province," Weibe added.
Cancercare Manitoba said the new facility would have provided much needed space and equipment.
"When we moved into the existing building we were already out of capacity, so we really need that," said Dr. Sri navaratnam, president of CancerCare Manitoba.
Finance Minister Cameron Friesen explained the Pallister government is sticking to its mandate to balance the books.
With the money saved the province said it can fund nearly $30 million worth of necessary maintenance at hospitals across Manitoba.