It appears an audit of the new downtown police headquarters will now happen after the project went $75 million over budget.

Winnipeg councillors Jeff Browaty and Brian Mayes have changed their minds and said they will vote for the review.

The councillors said constant questions over the cost overruns have become a distraction.

"People are emailing us constantly about it. You can't get to the snow clearing and the garbage (pickup) emails," said Mayes.

That would tip the balance at city council where a previous motion was defeated nine to seven.

Councillors Paula Havixbeck and Jenny Gerbasi are expected to bring forward another audit motion at council this month.

“There's a lot of money involved and I think we need to make sure that we learn from mistakes that are made in major projects and make sure that we don't repeat them again,” said Gerbasi.

The Winnipeg Labour Council and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation leaned on Mayes and Browaty to side with an audit and said their campaign won't end with them.

"We're going to keep pushing because we need this. We can't continue to shrug our shoulders in this city about big problems at city hall,” said Colin Craig from the CTF.

Late Tuesday morning, Mayor Sam Katz said he is open to a police headquarters audit, but feels it could be a waste of money.

“Do I think you'll get bang for your buck? Probably not. But that's not really the issue. The issue is that every member of council would have to deal with this again every single two months,” said Katz.

An audit could take more than a year to complete.

- with a report from Jeff Keele