Get out your line and tackle. Fishing season has started in southern Manitoba.

The province asks anglers to watch out for spawning fishthatare full of eggs, and to gently release any spawning fish back into the water.

Fishing season begins May 21 in other parts of Manitoba to reflect the later spawning season, the province said in a news release.

“Fishing fuels tourism and local economies across the province, generating more than $200 million in direct and indirect expenditures in our economy,” said Sustainable Development Minister Cathy Cox.

She said more than 170,000 people fish around the province each year.

All fishers must be licensed, except youth under 16 who have lived in Manitoba for six months, or status First Nations and Métis. Canadian residents and non-resident youth under 16 must be with alicence holder or someone who is exempt, and their catch must be applied to that person’s limit.

You can buy a licence at Manitoba Sustainable Development offices and other licence vendors across the province.