Strong winds are whipping up waves and concerns along Lake Manitoba.

The province is warning property owners to be on alert, as water levels could rise up to 1.5 metres.

The warnings have one couple who lives along the lake at Delta Beach worried what the high water and strong wind will do to their property, if the federal government doesn't approve the province's plan to open up a channel at Lake St. Martin. 

"It would put us in danger of severe flooding again and it will test our rock walls we put up in 2012," said Linda Muirhead.

A test that may come Thursday for Linda and her husband Larry Muirhead, with the province issuing wind warnings along Lake Manitoba.   

But the province says it is optimistic the federal government will approve its application to open up the channel, which it hopes will lessen damaging flood levels.

"When we built that outlet, we said it would be there to help mitigate, and it's there, and we're going to use it," said the Minister responsible for Emergency Measures Organization, Steve Ashton.

Larry Muirhead says the plans may already be too little too late, because the water levels are already as high as they were in 2011.  Even if the channel is opened, it will take the province a few weeks to get it operating.

"I think it's been too long," said Larry. "They waited too long, and they need another outlet in Lake St. Martin to get it flowing as fast as it's coming in, because it's coming in from the Waterhen too," said Larry Muirhead.

The Muirhead's say they're satisfied with how the province compensated them after the 2011 flood and hope officials will make the right decisions to avoid paying out them out again