Critics of Manitoba's hog industry say the NDP government is withholding evidence of pollution caused by pig barns in the province.

"We're asking the auditor general to conduct an investigation of the [Clean Environment Commission] and the province in their role of suppressing and covering up this information," Glen Koroluk of Beyond Factory Farming told CTV News.

His group is also calling on the Doer government to reduce the number of pigs in the province, currently estimated at 8.8 million.

Hogwatch Manitoba, Beyond Factory Farming, and other groups say the provincial government's moratorium on new or expanded hog plants in much of eastern Manitoba and the Interlake does not go far enough.

Koroluk says the moratorium, announced on Monday, should be province-wide.

He also says the government should find a "just transition" to help hog producers get out of the industry and move towards, "more socially responsible livestock production."

Koroluk says the hog industry is hurting the environment because of waste that runs into rivers and lakes.

The hog industry says it's being unfairly blamed for water pollution, and points to sewage from Winnipeg and other municipalities.

With files from the Canadian Press.