The Manitoba government will invest in 65 replacement ambulances that will ensure paramedics can respond rapidly and effectively to medical emergencies across the province.

The announcement was made by Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister, Cameron Friesen on Feb. 4.

 “Every day, paramedics take life-saving care directly to hundreds of patients, responding to 911 calls as well as transporting patients to and between hospitals and other care facilities,” Friesen said in the press release. “This significant investment will ensure our paramedics continue to have the right equipment to support the excellent care they provide to Manitobans.”

This investment builds on recommendations from the 2013 Emergency Medical Services System Review, which also includes an annual investment of $5 million in 60 full-time paramedic positions throughout rural Manitoba.

The ambulances are expected to be available later in 2019. The province is accepting proposals for a new suspensions system to improve ride quality. No cost estimates have been released.