Landlords looking to evict law-breaking tenants now have a new resource on hand.

The province announced on Tuesday its creating a fact sheet that helps break down the process of evicting tenants who are breaking the law and putting others at risk.

“The Manitoba government is committed to making our communities safer, and this new resource gives landlords the clarity and guidance they need to navigate the system quickly so they can protect their property and the safety of other tenants,” said Justice Minister Cliff Cullen in a news release.

When a landlord wants to evict a tenant participating in unlawful or unsafe activities, they have to request a hearing through the Residential Tenancies Branch. The province’s new Landlord’s Fact Sheet breaks down the evidence that landlords can submit for an order of possession application, which includes:

  • Video, pictures or audio evidence;
  • Incident reports, warning letters or written confirmation from law enforcement agencies that demonstrate unlawful activity is going on;
  • Incident reports from security, property managers, maintenance, paramedics, the fire department, health and bylaw inspectors, alarm companies or police that show the situation is escalating;
  • Verbal or written statements from anyone with direct knowledge of the tenant’s activity;
  • Financial statements or receipts from repairs.

Manitoba Justice’s public safety investigation unit also gives support to anyone worried about drugs or dangerous activities going on in residential areas, and can help landlords gather evidence.