The Conservative Party of Canada doesn’t want former MP Steven Fletcher back.
"It's simply an anti-democratic process," said Fletcher.
The party informed Fletcher via email he will not be allowed to run for the Charleswood-St James-Assiniboia-Headingley nomination for the 2019 federal election.
"This is done by some unelected faceless party drone," said Fletcher.
No reason was given in the email.
Fletcher speculates federal party brass may favour his high profile opponent for the nomination, Winnipeg city councillor Marty Morantz.
“I think that could be entirely true of course, it's politics," said Fletcher.
Morantz's campaign declined comment.
The party would not say why the nomination application was declined because of a potential appeal by Fletcher. But it did release this statement:
“All of our nominations are completely fair, open, and free of favouritism, and it's up to local Conservative Party members to decide on who of the successful applicants is best suited to be their party representative in the next election."
Fletcher is no stranger to controversy. He currently sits as an independent member of the Manitoba Legislature. Fletcher was kicked out of the provincial tory caucus. He was at odds with party policy and the premier.
“Caucus membership is not a right, caucus membership is a privilege,” said Premier Brian Pallister in June 2017.
Political scientist Chris Adams says it's not surprising the federal party may be cold towards Fletcher too.
"Steven Fletcher has a very strong reputation for being independent for being stubborn and those things do not work well within party caucuses," said Adams.
Party member Stephen Barber, the other candidate running for the nomination, released a statement.
“Our competitor’s campaigns are not our focus. We are focusing on the issues that matter to the people of our community,” said Barber.
Barber did thank Fletcher for his service to the community.
Fletcher says he is not ruling out a run as an independent MP in the area.
The seat is currently held by Liberal MP Doug Eyolfson who unseated Fletcher in the 2015 federal election.