WINNIPEG -- Winnipeg Transit is proposing service cuts to live within a two per cent budget target increase announced by Mayor Brian Bowman.

Transit officials told the public works committee Wednesday that in order to hit the target, feeder routes in neighbourhoods may have to be cut during non-peak times, like afternoons and weekends.

They also said weekday and Saturday service would end earlier, at 12:15 a.m.

Express routes would also be impacted as peak service would end earlier on weekdays, eliminating 2,700 rides per week.

The Downtown Spirit and DART buses would also be shelved.

Shelter maintenance and bus washing would be reduced and community grants would fall by the wayside.

There would also be cuts to capital, which includes a decrease in bus replacements.

As a result of the cuts, the transit presentation stated the number of full time equivalent positions “impacted” would be as follows:

7 2020
74.5 2021
97.5 2022
103.5 2023