Moms and their babies tried to break a breastfeeding record at the Legislative Building on Saturday.

The 2014 Breastfeeding Challenge includes mothers and babies in more than 100 locations around the world. The goal is to get as many people breastfeeding in the same location simultaneously.

It aims to promote the benefits of breastfeeding and breast milk.

Carolyn Perchuk, a clinical nurse specialist with the WRHA, says breast milk helps in the development of the central nervous system and prevention of disease, including cancer.

“But we became a formula feeding culture for a very long time and now that we’re trying to change that around again,” she said. “Because we kind of moved away, not everybody’s grandma and mom has breastfed, and they can’t necessarily help them within their own family.”

The Breastfeeding Challenge started as a way to build support networks among breastfeeding moms. The Quintessence Foundation in British Columbia and it has since spread around the world.