Winnipeggers looking for an apartment downtown now have a few more options. Timbercreek Communities completed renovations on a new apartment building at 160 Smith St.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday officially opened the building, which used to be a Sheraton Hotel.

“We love what’s going on here in the city, the tremendous economic growth, the development that’s taken place downtown, in particular what’s gone on with the MTS Centre, the Jets coming back, obviously, the new hotel going up across from the MTS Centre, and the redevelopment of a lot of the retail facilities that are here,” said Timbercreek president Roly Morris.

“We just think it’s a great time to be in on the ground floor and in on the resurgence that’s taken place in downtown Winnipeg.”

Timbercreek will also be renovating two more buildings at 26 and 45 Hargrave St.