A Lake St. Martin evacuee living in Winnipeg said she’s been forced from her St Vital rental home because of a dispute over her water bill.
Arlene Ross claims the third-party manager that handles the band’s finances should pay the delinquent bill which is more than $1,000.
"That's exactly what I want to see happen. I want to get out of this hotel and go back to my home. Everybody's more comfortable in their home,” said Ross.
The Canadian Red Cross has been covering her rising hotel bill since Thursday.
As a 2011 flood evacuee, Ross’s accommodations and utilities are covered by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, the Canadian Red Cross and the third-party manager.
Ross said her daughter and grandson spent time living with her and as a result the third-party manager won’t cover 100 per cent of her utilities, which led to the delinquent water bill.
"I've had a lot of health issues and with the health issues I do need someone there to care for me. To help me out,” said Ross, who is diabetic.
Ross’s daughter Lana once received benefits as an evacuee herself but when she began attending university, those benefits ended and she received financial assistance as a student.
She’s no longer in school and instead works to support her son.
She said she temporarily moved into the duplex because her mother’s diabetes made it difficult for the senior to live alone.
"It is very challenging for her. Like I said, she's not capable of doing a lot of things on her own,” said Lana Ross. “She's not strong enough. She can't carry her own groceries."
Arlene Ross hopes the dispute over the water bill will be resolved soon so she can return to her temporary home in St Vital. Like other displaced 2011 flood evacuees, Ross has no idea when she will be able to return to her actual home of Lake St Martin.
The third-party manager was not immediate available for comment.