Relatives of Jarilyn Roulette hope an investigation is conducted after the four-year-old child went into cardiac arrest during a routine procedure at a private dental clinic in October.

Apryl Roulette says her daughter, Jarilyn, had received general anesthetic and went into cardiac arrest about 45 minutes into the procedure.

Jarilyn was then rushed to Children’s Hospital.

Apryl says her daughter suffered severe brain damage and will never speak again and will also not be able to walk or eat on her own.

“Just the thought of knowing I’m never going to hear her say, ‘Mom’ again – I can’t see her run around. I just want to hear her say, ‘Mom’ again,” said Apryl.

In October, she took Jarilyn to a private dental clinic, with her daughter needing a range of dental work, including fillings, an extraction and caps.

Apryl said the dentist advised it would be less traumatic for the girl to be put under using general anesthetic.

“The dentist touched my leg and said, ‘Oh don't worry, you don't have to worry about it. She's in good hands and she has a better chance of being hit by a car than anything happening,’” said Apryl.

A report from the Canadian Dental Association said thousands of children undergo dental surgery each year in Manitoba.

“More than 2,000 pre-school aged children undergo dental surgery each year in Manitoba hospitals. Many more receive treatment in private dental clinics,” said a report from the Canadian Dental Association.

It did not say how many children suffer complications as a result of being put under with a general anesthetic.

Private dental clinics are governed under the Manitoba Dental Association.

That association said that while it cannot disclose if it is investigating a specific clinic, it does have an obligation to investigate any clinic where a patient has an adverse reaction to an anesthetic.

Jarilyn’s grandmother said that while the family hasn’t received any confirmation of an investigation being launched, she hopes one does indeed take place.

"Somebody has to be taken to task for it because I don't want to see anyone's children (have) that happen. I don't want that happening to any more children," said Leona Freed, Jarilyn’s grandmother.

Apryl said her family is devastated.

“I feel like I failed as a mother. I was supposed to protect her and that's what hurts the most. I was supposed to protect her,” said Apryl.

The family is now consulting with lawyers.

At this point there's nothing to indicate Children's Dental World on McPhillips Street didn't follow correct procedures.

Apryl said her daughter will require care for the rest of her life.

An expert who spoke to CTV Winnipeg said the risks of complications from anesthetic are quite low for healthy children.

The dental clinic said it is keeping the matter private and is not releasing comments.