Swims club are hoping to start a new conversation about sharing the waters at Winnipeg's outdoor pools.

The city’s 10 outdoor pools invite swimmers of all ages to make a splash.

Adults who want a vigorous workout though have to stick to indoor pools, as the city doesn't offer specific adult-only programming at outdoor pools.

Members with Manitoba Masters Aquatic Club swim to improve endurance and technique with the help of a coach. They would like the city to accommodate adult only times.

"I think they should accommodate in the summer," said President Stephanie Lambert. "Our membership and non-members would appreciate it as well."

She said the club doesn't want to take time away from kids at outdoor pools, but an early morning hour all to themselves would be nice.

The city offered two roped lanes for swimmers at the Kildonan Park Outdoor Pool, but Lambert said they have them set up in the middle of the pool, which can be dangerous.

"People would just swim through us to get to the deep end to the diving boards, instead of getting out of the pool, walking around,” she added. “If you're pushing off a wall at full speed, or you're in the zone swimming you're laps, and you don't realize someone is right in front of you.”

Swimmers at Kildonan had mixed feelings about creating adult only swims at outdoor pools.

"With the short summer we have, I certainly wouldn't want to take any time away from families swimming," Colin Allingham said.

"They should have their own time. They have to you decided which time, but i'm all for it," Don Klym added.

Swim Manitoba represents dozens of swim clubs in the province.

It said sharing outdoor pools isn't about taking time away from kids, but just making the water more accessible.

"In all fairness the taxpayers do have interests groups," said Executive Director Mark Fellner. "We could sit down with the city or answer survey questions and just see how usage could be enhanced.”

Fellner said other Canadian cities accommodate fitness in the fresh air and it would be great if Winnipeg could do the same.

The city said in a statement:
“Outdoor pools do not have specific adult-only programming. Kildonan Park does have a lap swim space, which is typically used by adults as kids don’t tend to lap swim. 311/Community Services has not had a request for an adults-only swim program at outdoor this year, nor did they receive any last year. There is not currently anything in the works to add adult swim hours at outdoor pools. If citizens are interested in such a program, they can contact 311 to submit a request.”