A University of Manitoba student inspired by the plight of asylum seekers crossing the U.S.-Canada border on foot delivered care packages to the new reception and shelter in Gretna Tuesday.

Lubna Usmani helped put together 150 care packages.

"It’s was a lot of fun," she said in a phone call with CTV Winnipeg.

Half of the packages were delivered to Gretna. The other half went to The Salvation Army, where many asylum seekers have also been staying since mid-February.

Usmani said she made packages tailored for children, which include a colouring book, crayons and a baseball cap, as well as kits designed specifically for men and women.

The Manitoba Islamic Association refugee committee was inspired to do the project. Usmani, who is a student, also works at the association.

The packages also include personal hygiene items, such as a tooth brush and towel.

She said she was inspired to give back after learning about the two men from Ghana who crossed the border near Emerson Christmas Eve and lost their fingers due to severe frostbite.

"They really suffered with their trip," she said. "It's really nice to welcome people to our province and our country."