Jordan Rogodzinski, 17, lives with cerebral palsy, but that does not stop him from missing any of the action.
Rogodzinski loves sports. He's an even bigger football and Winnipeg Blue Bombers fan.
The grade 12 student has a knack for interviewing, and landing high profile guests like former defensive lineman Doug Brown.
As host of ‘Jordan's 411 Sports Show' at Miles Macdonell Collegiate, Rogodzinski’s even hosted Bombers head coach Mike O'Shea.
He dreams of becoming a professional broadcaster one day, but is entertaining crowds along the way with his questions and sense of humour.
Wednesday about 150 students came out to watch Rogodzinski interview former basketball Olympian, Martin Riley, and former University of Winnipeg player, Matthew Opalko.
"I don't know what it is. The audience gets me going and I get more calm and I think my sense of humour helps too," Rogodzinski said.
"When you least expect it he comes up with something and it just blows you away," said Riley.
"He does his research, he knows his facts and he asks serious questions," Opalko added.
To put the show together Rogodzinski has what's become known as his entourage.
A crew that films, edits and posts episodes online, which receive hundreds of views.
"I didn't think it would take off as fast, but it did," Rogodzinski said. "Everything that you set your mind to could happen, even though you have a mental, physical, emotional disability, it could happen."
The person he wants to interview most is former Bombers receiver Milt Stegall.
You can watch 'Jordan’s 411 Sports Show' here.