A province-wide test of the national Alert Ready system will take place on Wednesday afternoon in Manitoba.

The test, scheduled for 1:55 p.m., will be the first of its kind expected to be delivered to compatible wireless devices.

It comes during National Emergency Preparedness Week, the theme of which for 2018 is ‘Be Emergency Ready,” and Manitoba isn’t the only province testing the expanded reach of Alert Ready.

On Monday tests were scheduled for Quebec and Ontario, however the Quebec test failed due to a coding error.

Remaining provinces and Northwest and Yukon territories will test Wednesday.

Depending on settings, users with compatible devices on an LTE network will hear a tone similar to an ambulance siren or feel a vibration for eight seconds.

The alert will go off in events like, tornadoes, floods, amber alerts or terrorist threats.

In Manitoba, the province's Emergency Measures Organization and Environment and Climate Change Canada alone have the authority to issue the alerts.