Asha, the German Sheppard puppy that was originally thought to be paralyzed after being thrown, is showing signs of improvement.

According to staff at the Dakota Veterinary Hospital, the pup’s front right leg is doing much better.

“She's still in a lot of pain in her left hind leg, but it seems to be lessening. She is much less hesitant to walk now and is even trying to play with the dogs and cats in her foster home,” the group’s media relations lead Lindsay Gillanders said in an email.

(Source: Lindsay Gillanders)

READ MORE: Easterville man charged in connection with throwing puppy
READ MORE: Puppy that was the victim of abuse will walk again: veterinarian

Gillanders said the puppy had a chance to enjoy the long weekend by playing near the pool with some new toys.

“As you can see, she's being given as much love as possible by her amazing foster family,” she added.

The Easterville man charged with causing unnecessary pain and injury to a dog and breach of undertaking, was scheduled to appear in court August 2.