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Bus fares going up in Winnipeg in 2022; complimentary one-hour parking also ending

A Winnipeg Transit Bus. (Source: CTV News Winnipeg) A Winnipeg Transit Bus. (Source: CTV News Winnipeg)

It will cost transit users slightly more to ride the bus in Winnipeg in 2022.

The City of Winnipeg is making a slight increase to bus fares starting on Jan. 1.

Full fares for adults will be going up from $3.05 to $3.10, while senior and youth (16 and under) fares will increase from $2.55 to $2.60.

In a news release, the city said 2021 bus tickets and the applicable case difference will be accepted until March 31, 2022.

The city is also ending the one-hour complimentary parking at all metered locations in Winnipeg on New Year’s Eve. In addition, the temporary 15 minute loading zones in Downtown and the Exchange District will also end on New Year’s Eve.

The parking and loading zones have been in effect since March 28, 2020.

The city said two-hour complimentary parking will continue to be available on Saturdays for on-street paid parking locations, and there is no requirement to pay for on-street park on Sundays or statutory holidays. Top Stories

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