WINNIPEG – Some parts of western Manitoba have been hit with record-breaking cold weather, Environment Canada says.

On Tuesday an “unseasonably cold” air mass remained over most of the prairies, Environment Canada said. This caused some communities in western Manitoba to hit record lows. In one community, it was the coldest morning in over 40 years.

On Monday morning, Pilot Mound reached -14.1 C, beating the old record of -13.9 degrees Celsius which was set in 1973.

The following communities hit a new record low on Tuesday morning:

-Roblin reached -20 C, beating the old record of -19 C set in 1991.

-Shoal Lake hit -19.6 C, beating the old record of -16.1 C set in 2003.

-Pilot Mound reached -17.9 C, beating the old record of -17.3 C set in 2003.

-Carberry reached -16.6 C, beating the old record of -15.4 C set in 2003.