Dana Brenan's mother was admitted to Seven Oaks Hospital for a series of tests last month. Days later, her mother Heather Brenan was discharged and sent home, where she collapsed.

She was rushed to an emergency room and died hours later.

"I'll never be able to see her again," said Dana Brenan.

She was finishing her Ph.D. studies in England when she heard the news about her mother at the end of January.

"I got a phone call on Saturday morning, the 28th, saying my mother was discharged from hospital, sent home in a taxi and collapsed and was back in the emergency room," said Brenan.

Dana said her mother had been sent home alone, without any keys, after staff suggested there was nothing wrong with her. Staff notified Heather's friend, who got to her just as she arrived home and collapsed.

Dana caught a plane as soon as she could, but didn't make it to Winnipeg in time to see her mother before she died.

An autopsy on her mother determined she died from a blood clot in her leg.

"I didn't realize (until) much later that she had been taken off all her medication, including blood thinners," said Brenan.

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has two reviews under way. In one, administration officials are reviewing what happened at Seven Oaks Hospital. A critical incident review is also taking place, with a regional team conducting a patient-safety review.

One Manitoba ethicist has offered his opinion on the case.

"If I had to guess what the investigation were to produce, it may be that somebody, or different people, under the pressure of time and more patients just didn't do what they were supposed to do," said Neil McArthur, from the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics at the University of Manitoba.

Brenan is now asking for copies of her mother's medical charts to have them independently reviewed.

The WRHA, however, said it can't release them because it's being investigated as a critical incident. No timeline has been announced on how long that will take to complete.

WRHA officials said they have apologized to Dana Brenan and will keep her updated on the progress of the reviews.

- with a report from CTV's Rajeev Dhir