The Red Cross is helping five displaced families in The Pas after a fire tore through multiple Manitoba Housing units.
The fire started Saturday morning of the fire in Kelsey Estates. Flames billowed out of the sixplex, causing extensive damage.
The roof over at least three of the units is ripped off.
A spokesperson for the Red Cross said 19 people in total have been displaced.
Mayor Jim Scott said no one was injured and his community is stepping up to help.
"There's already been a substantial amount of action in terms of people donating clothes and pots and pans, couches and stuff like that. So if they can find a place, we can certainly get them in there and get them furnished," he said.
Finding a place might be difficult, however, because there is low vacancy in the community, said Scott.
In the meantime, the Red Cross is helping, providing meals and a place to stay at the Wescana Inn.