A few hundred people gathered near Marquette, northeast of Portage la Prairie, Friday afternoon to find out if the provincial government will deliver on its promise to deliver flood compensation.

The cattle producers in attendance said they have for the most part received compensation for 2011 but are waiting for compensation for 2012.

Cattle producer Tom Teichroeb is part of the Lake Manitoba Flood Rehabilitation committee. He says people living around Lake Manitoba are still struggling after the flood two years ago. “In 2012, we were only able to utilize 15-20 percent of our property,” he said at the meeting.

Art Johnasson, another cattle producer, is experiencing problems as well. "We're about $65,000 out of pocket we had to pay just because of the flood."

Provincial Finance Minister Stan Struthers said the government is committed to its multi-year compensation package, but is still waiting for support from the federal government.

“We've been taking names of people throughout the course of last couple of years. We follow up every single case to make sure people are getting what the programs are offering," said Struthers.

Flood victims say they won't forget the flood, saying their properties were sacrificed to save the area around Winnipeg. They say they don't want the province to forget that either.