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'It was uncalled for': Mynarski candidate calls police after early morning incident with incumbent


A candidate in the race for the Mynarski ward says rival incumbent Ross Eadie threatened him at his home in the middle of the night, prompting a call to police.

Ed Radchenka said four weeks ago, Eadie woke him up in the early morning hours.

"He came to my house, and was mad at me at 1:30 in the morning, banged on my door," he said.

Radchenka said Eadie appeared drunk, so he called police because he felt threatened.

“He mentioned to me I'd be stealing his votes because he knows all the people I know,” he said.

Police confirm officers did respond to a report of a disturbance in the area, but no charges were laid.

"On September 25, 2022, at 1:39 a.m., members of the WPS responded to a residence in the Seven Oaks neighbourhood for a report of a disturbance. No charges were laid as a result of the incident,” said the Winnipeg Police Service in a statement.

Eadie confirms he was at Radchenka's home, but says he was not drunk and did not threaten anyone.

"I had a couple of beers on my stoop at home. Is that illegal?” he said.

While he also admits that 1:30 a.m. was a bad time to knock on someone's door, Eadie said after a stressful day on the campaign trail, he was out walking with a friend when he happened upon Radchenka's house.

Eadie said he calmly knocked on the door in an attempt to get a $24 election sign back his campaign gave to Radchenka before Radchenka entered the race.

He says Radchenka was the one shouting, not him.

"A blind guy at 62-years-old. I wasn't there to go and beat him up. C'mon, seriously, and he knew damn well that," said Eadie.

He adds that after he got home, police showed up to tell him not to go back to Radchenka's house.

“The cops gave me royal hell,” said Eadie.

Radchenka says he's willing to give Eadie the sign back and says the two have been friends for a long time.

"It was uncalled for. I'm friends with him, I hope to maintain being friends with him,” said Radchenka.

Eadie might not feel that way.

“I've known him as an acquaintance, but I've never called him a friend,” said Eadie

The other candidates in the race are Eadie’s former executive assistant Aaron McDowell, Steve Snyder, and Natalie Smith. Top Stories

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