The Manitoba government is taking steps to combat the illicit cannabis market with proposed amendments to The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act in order to give more officials the power to crack down.

The potential changes would make it an offence to possess more than 30 grams of non-medical cannabis while in a public place. Though similar federal restrictions are already in place, currently provincial inspectors can’t enforce these laws.

The proposed amendment would give power to inspectors to stop those in possession of illicit cannabis, and offer police the ability to give a ticket for possession over 30 grams instead of laying a criminal charge, which the province said requires a more complex process.

The fine for these offences would be determined through regulation.

“These possession restrictions help crack down on the illicit cannabis market by giving provincial inspectors the clear ability to seize illicit cannabis,” said Justice Minister Cliff Cullen in a news release.

Other proposed changes would make it an offence to be in possession of cannabis that isn’t packaged, stamped and labelled in accordance with federal legislations.