WINNIPEG -- The Manitoba government is inviting residents to have their say on the next round of changes coming to the Perimeter Highway.
On the North Perimeter six times a day, Trucker Sal Magheralin says it is busy and you have to pay attention - especially when approaching an intersection where there are no traffic lights.
“You can’t be asleep at the wheel because something is always potentially going to happen," Magheralin said. "You don’t know when somebody decides, ‘this is my turn’, they don’t want to go a mile up to take the overpass.”
If he had his way, Magheralin said he would eliminate all the intersections with no traffic lights. A new announcement from the province may see that wish granted.
On Monday, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler made the announcement, saying that the province is launching an online public engagement process for the second phase of the Perimeter Safety Review. Phase 2 includes the north section of the Perimeter (PTH 101) from Portage to Fermor Avenues.
“The Perimeter Highway is one of Manitoba’s most important economic corridors. It is a key link in the Trans-Canada Highway and plays a strategic role in Manitoba’s economy by providing industry with access to world markets,” Schuler said in a news release.
“Engaging with the public will allow our government to consider the safest and most practical options to enhance the North Perimeter Highway while providing access to adjacent properties.”
The second phase of the review proposes closing all of the non-signalled median openings and stop sign-controlled access points. This will limit the North Perimeter Highway to intersections that are appropriately signalled or have interchanges.
According to the province, closing non-signalled access points would help with safety, because it would get rid of unprotected cross-traffic vehicles and unprotected left- and right-turning vehicles. It would also make it safer for vehicles entering or leaving the road due to limited access to interchanges and non-signalled intersections.
The province noted that Phase 2 of the review builds on the first phase, which was developed in 2018 for the South Perimeter Highway. One of the safety improvements in the first phase includes closing access and median openings at 26 intersections.
The safety improvements to the South Perimeter Highway are expected to be completed over the next several years.
Residents can take part in the public engagement process online. It will be available until April 10.