Some families near St. Jean Baptiste who had to leave their homes during spring floods are still waiting to return home.

The problem is major damage along provincial road 246 in the Rural Municipality of Montcalm that connects to several residences.

In one spot, the washout left a massive gaping hole which appears several metres deep.

Reeve Paul Gilmore told CTV News in a phone call Sunday he hasn’t seen damage like it before and not to such an extent.

Sunday afternoon CTV News visited the community and the hole had been filled.

He said the washout, located east of the Red River, was caused by the rush of water from the Roseau River and Red River during spring flooding. Both waterways are nearby.

Gilmore said some of the people who had to leave are back home, but others are not.

“That’s why we are trying to repair the road. It’s a road that road connects that quite a few residences,” he said.

EMO coordinator Jean Barnabe said about 10 evacuees are still waiting to return home.

He said road crews worked Friday and Saturday to make the road passable but it’s still in rough shape.

Barnabe believes the repairs will cost more than one million dollars.

Gilmore said there is a program for flooding damage and the RM is hoping the government will help cover the cost.

It’s too early to say how much repairs will cost, but expects it to be expensive, he said.

Farmer Luc Sabourin is thankful the road is passable again.

He lives in town and was able to visit his farm for the first time in three weeks Sunday.

Barnabe said he expects the remaining evacuees will be back home by the end of the week.

The Manitoba government responded with a statement to CTV News.

“Individuals, municipalities and the province continue to assess the impacts of the high water. It is too soon to determine the next steps until more information is gathered.”