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Winnipeg's temporary patio program is back, Mayor wants to see it stick

Winnipeggers flock to open patios pleasing owners

With patio season right around the corner, Winnipeg businesses now have the chance to apply for a temporary patio this summer.

The City of Winnipeg said it is accepting registrations for the temporary patio program, which allows eligible businesses to have a patio space from April 1 to Oct. 31.

"The temporary program has demonstrated we can simplify the process for adding patios while continuing to ensure they operate safely,” Mayor Scott Gillingham said in a news release.

The program started up in May 2020 amid pandemic restrictions, giving businesses a quick way to set up a temporary patio space. Last year, the city says 76 local businesses registered for the program

Winnipeg's mayor said he wants to see the program become a permanent addition to the city.

“I believe we should look at making that a permanent offering because it’s a win-win for local business and for Winnipeggers who want to enjoy our amazing summers," he said.

Council has requested the public service give a report on the feasibility of making this a long-term program.

For this year, however, council has waived the administrative costs for businesses registering for a temporary patio until March 2024.

Those looking to participate must submit a new registration form, as past registrations do not carry over.

The city said more information and details about the temporary patio registration process can be found on its website. Top Stories

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